
Oppikoppi 22: The Unsea from A-Z

Oppikoppi 22: For the lovely young taken to the Unsea, was a cultural experience, a bushveld blast unique to South Africa. Over 100 bands performed to 20 000 music hungry festivalgoers from 5-7 August 2016 which equated to one big and enormous jol. Oppikoppis are known for the variety of different cultures and personalities who enjoy its dusty atmosphere and this year was no exception. From hippies, to metalheads, the old and experienced to the young and inexperienced revelled in its musical heritage.

Oppikoppi 22: For the lovely young taken to the Unsea, was a cultural experience, a bushveld blast unique to South Africa. Over 100 bands performed to 20 000 music hungry festivalgoers from 5-7 August 2016 which equated to one big and enormous jol. Oppikoppis are known for the variety of different cultures and personalities who enjoy its dusty atmosphere and this year was no exception. From hippies, to metalheads, the old and experienced to the young and inexperienced revelled in its musical heritage.

Here are my highlights of the festival in the form of a complete A-Z package. Everything you need to know and why it’s one of the best festivals in the world and a true bucket list experience.

A – August Burns Red

Fans from all over South Africa descended to watch this US metalcore band’s first ever show in South Africa and boy did they produce. It was something for the ages as the band blended their hart hitting riffs and melodies to perfection. The mosh pits were extreme with both men and women going crazy at the sound of their favourite songs. It was definitely one of the highlights of the festival.

B – Bushveld and Braai

Oppikoppi is known for its bushveld habitat and what better way than to soak it in with a fire and some meat – a piece of meat always tastes better when camping!

C – Camping

Camp or bust is what most people will tell you before coming to Oppikoppi. You have not experienced extreme camping until you hit this festival. Be warned strangers may use your tent or camping facilities when they get lost. It’s all part of the fun.

D – Dust

Many festivalgoers wear Buffs to counteract the natural disaster at Koppi. The dust is everywhere, on your hands, feet, clothes, hair and places you did not know dust could get into. Also watch out for Black Lung – where a lot of dusty coughing is involved. Use that Buff or even a double buff.

E – Entrance

The highlight of many is entering the gates for the first or for that matter  the 22nd time. The feeling of “I am finally here,” after many months of anticipation is as good as a cold beer on a Saturday afternoon.

F – Fokofpolisiekar

“Die Bende” was at their very best at Koppi, where they have made their mark for many years and continue to do so. The sight of Francois van Coke crowdsurfing or Wynand Myburgh jumping on stage is something that many young rock fans came to Oppikoppi for. Local is lekker!

G – Guitars

Chance is, if you saw a live act at Oppikoppi they would be armed with a guitar or two. Some of the world’s best looking guitars were on display on the stages and delivered some headbanging moments.Plugged in or unplugged they were tuned in at their finest.

H- Hydration

This was rule number one on Saturday afternoon at Koppi. Beer can only help for that long – water is a must if you do not want to be as dry as the Kalahari Dessert. Drink, drink and drink again. Otherwise a mirage of an oasis might appear!

I – Ice

Ice is like a gemstone at Oppikoppi, rare, precious and absolutely beautiful for a dry thirsty throat. Remember a pack of ice or even dry ice. Keep it cold – a cooler box or in a tent under the shade is your best option.

J – Jackets

When darkness descends at Oppikoppi you might feel like you are camping in Antarctica. Keep those jackets or parkas nearby and keep warm. Plus they look awesome and enhance your festival cred.

K – Knowledge

A thorny situation was at hand at Koppi with the dreaded thorny shrubs and thorny trees scattered on the landscape. Many festivalgoers walked through these bushes cutting and scraping themselves. Night time was the worst as you would hear “ouch” “eina”, “F*k” or any other words to describe the unpleasant discovery. Have knowledge and walk with flash light in hand dear friends.

L – Love

One thing that stood out at Koppi was the love that was shown between the festivalgoers. Everyone got along with each other, tied together by the glue of music. People partied into the night with new friends and also bumped into old friends. Love really has the power to chance the world and in those four days it made everyone happy.

M – Mordor

Ah, the barren campsite of Mordor, filled with thorns, dust, heat, cold and a number of interesting personalities. Luxury is not an option here, but necessities are. Make your Mordor experience that much better by arriving early, getting a nice spot and keeping your valuables locked away. Some folk found their camping chairs in the thorn trees – not a good option. Embrace Mordor and don’t show any fear!

N – Newbies

Oppikoppi was loaded with first timers who had their first taste of the dust. Some of them made the grade and walked away with badges of honour. Others though spent most of their time at the medical tent. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Pacing is important.

O – Oppi….Koppi!

This was the first thing I heard at Oppikoppi. The Marco-Polo type shouting back and forth, festivalgoers would shout “Oppi” followed a few seconds later by an event louder chorus of “Koppi”. See someone on Boom Street? Just shout “Oppi” and be amazed at the welcoming response. Here we are all friends in the name of music.

P – Photography

Thousands of photos were taken during the festival and some of our top photographers were shooting away. Make sure you check out their pics that will keep the memories of The Unsea for years to come. I salute you behind the lens!

Q – Quality

A big thumbs up must be given to the organisers who once again delivered a quality experience for all the festivalgoers. Bands had great sound, were always on time, no huge technical glitches and it was a true sonic and cultural experience.

R – Red faces

Respect the sun that shines at Oppikoppi boys and girls. It chars you skin like a piece of bacon. Slap on the sunscreen and wear a hat – whether it’s a sombrero, cap, pirate hat or fedora. No one wants to struggle with dust and burnt skin. Keep it cool, don’t be red faced.

S – Stages

The stages were magnificent and a treat to witness. The James Phillips main stage had its bushveld vibe, the main stage was massive, the bruilof stage was a treat, especially when Oppiboosh was around, Skellum delivered the newcomers, while the Red Bull and Top Bar stage gave way to electro and classic Blues tunes.

T – Tent pegs

Crucial beyond measure are these steel pegs for your tent. One guy forgot to bring his pegs and used his bike to keep the tent down! Thumbs up for innovation.

U – Underwear

Remember to bring a few pairs of underwear. Some people also lost their underwear and those who did the Naked Run stripped off their underwear for the sake of Oppi’s Olympic Dash.

V – Vendors

The vendors were at their best this year with a true variety of foods and drinks for the Koppi Connoisseur to enjoy. Beetroot and carrot health juice, thai curry, arabica coffee, Vodka slushies, Burgers, Schintzels, Roosterkoek and Skilpaadjies were just some of delicacies for the hungry at the Unsea.

W – Windhoek, Water and Wet Wipes

Windhoek Lager was at it, once again with their awesome hoodies and promotional giveaways. Windhoek also goes down quite well with a few sips of water throughout (check hydration) and wet wipes rounds it off. Ask anyone and they will tell you that wet wipes were gold dust.

X – Xtreme weather

Anyone fancy a 35 degree summer and a -3 winter in one day? Pack for both seasons!

Y – Yelawolf

The Slumerical hip hop musician made his way to Koppi and surprised many with his one of a kind act. It was something different and alternative for Koppi’s masses.

Z – Zzzz

Koppi is not the preferred place to catch some zzz’s. No one sleeps at the same time, as music goes on throughout the night and then gets played in the morning as well. Together with this comes a lot of partying and laughter as well as the comfort factor of a tent or stretcher. Prepare to rest after Koppi and not during it.

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