
Streetlights – what’s being done

Gazette will now regularly report on service delivery problems received from ward councillors in Parys, Tumahole and Schonkenville. Problems below were reported by Ward Cllrs Saal de Jager and Shirley Vermaak.

Gazette will now regularly report on service delivery problems received from ward councillors in Parys, Tumahole and Schonkenville. Problems below were reported by Ward Cllrs Saal de Jager and Shirley Vermaak.
Still outstanding
* Erect notices warning against illegal mining and stealing of soil at the old Parys cemetery; instruct the traffic department to start policing this and open cases of theft against perpetrators
* Replace the stop sign that was taken down in error: Cnr of Water/ Loop Streets
* Fix water leak under Frederick’s Building in Water Street to avoid damages claim for structural damage already appearing
* Fix urgent water leaks reported repeatedly:
•Cnr Schilbach / Noorder St – water loss under tar, over a year, getting worse daily
•Cnr Pres Kruger / Muller St – water leaks under the tar, over six months.
•Water leak at meter- Cnr of Muisvoël Crescent / Hospital Avenue for many months.
Fix dangerous electrical faults:
•Witstinkhout Ave – dangerous situation reported many times
•Many transformer boxes lack doors or locks – these contribute to cable
theft and may cause death.
•Some power cables (eg. Paulsen/ Kort Sts) are hanging dangerously low.
•Many electric poles are a danger, some leaning over, others rusted at the bottom
•Broken street lights in Parys and Vredefort – only 30% work.

Fixed last week or this week – many thanks
Water leaks fixed:
4 Bellevue Street
25 Noorder St – repaired same day
17 Unie St (under tar)
5 Re-Unie St
Overflow of sewage from manhole:
60 Van Coller st – fixed within 1 hour
34 Water St – fixed within 40 minutes
* Streetlights: A Contractor has started to fix dark high mast lights and daylight switches in Tumahole, and street lights in the main road from Vredefort

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