
Many are to go hungry

Ongoing reports that major local steel companies are to be closed down and/or thousands retrenched should not be ignored and careful consideration and correct measures should be taken to remedy the situation.

Ongoing reports that major local steel companies are to be closed down and/or thousands retrenched should not be ignored and careful consideration and correct measures should be taken to remedy the situation. It is worrying to note how thousands of lives will be affected by these closures.

The lives of families will be plunged into a crisis following these depressing developments. Those responsible should come up with an action plan to deal with the situation comprehensively as many are sure to go hungry. It is said that 220 employers are embarking on these retrenchments countrywide.
Where then is our country going if our people are to go hungry? The biggest danger is in the mining sector. What impact will these developments have on the workers and their families, mainly children and the elderly?
The powers-that-be need to prevent at all costs young people’s futures from being affected negatively because of their parents being retrenched. Assistance should also be given to elderly persons.
In these difficult times the people must stand together and make sure that families are not ruined.
What is Government doing to ensure that the situation does not get out of hand? Those involved must make sure that they go back to the table and exhaust all possible avenues before taking drastic steps.
Please think about it!

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