Local news

They want water in their taps, not tankers

Community angered by municipaity's frequent water supply issues

Angry residents from the Tumahole Community group marched to the Ngwathe Municipal offices in Parys today to express their dissatisfaction with the quality of drinking water and water supply to Tumahole

The group in no uncertain terms said that they do not want the water tankers bringing water to Tumahole anymore – they want water in their taps.

They also said that the municipality take residents’ payment for service delivery for granted, and fail to communicate with the community the reasons for the frequent water shortages.

The Mayor taken away from the protest group.

Parys, Tumahole and Schonkenville are struggling for months on end now on a daily basis with water supply issues. Some areas hardly ever having water in their taps. Daily Eskom loadshedding  worsens the situation with no backup power supply at the water purification plant. Gazette has  reported in the past months repeatedly about the water plant not being able to function on full capacity, due to various problems.

The water crisis affects not only households and businesses negatively –  it also has a devastating effect on tourism for the town which is totally dependant on tourism as main source of income.

The Ngwathe Executive Mayor, Cllr Victoria de Beer started addressing the group at the municipal offices shortly after 11:00 today but was taken into the Forum building when it became clear that the group was not satisfied with what she had to say.

An urgent appeal was also made today to the Ngwathe Executive Mayor and the Municipal Manager to call an urgent service delivery meeting, including the infrastructure committee members and the municipality’s water manager to discuss an emergency plan for the water crisis.

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