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Help this girl to get artificial eye

Help this girl to get artificial eye Dear friends and family. This brave little girl is in need of urgent eye surgery, due to the retina that torn away from the cornea. Unfortunately the doctors can’t save her eye and it needs to get removed. and replaced with a prosthesis (artificial eye). We ask of …

Dear friends and family.

This brave little girl is in need of urgent eye surgery, due to the retina that torn away from the cornea. Unfortunately the doctors can’t save her eye and it needs to get removed. and replaced with a prosthesis (artificial eye).

We ask of the public to open their hearts and help this family to come up with the funds for this operation as there is no medical aid.

Any donation is welcome and will be appreciated very much. Anyone that wish to make a contribution can make a donation directly into Ocumed’s account with the reference provided. Please feel free to contact Ocumed by 016 982 4020
if you wish to confirm the authenticity of this plea.

Thank you.

Banking details:
ABSA ACCOUNT NO: 4049535206

Please share with friends and family.people this is my little sister please we urgently need help….even if you can donate R10.00 it’ll help…. with regards Bonika and her family….

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