
New Dialysis Unit to Open in Parys

A Lifeline for Kidney Disease Patients

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Parys, a scenic town in the Free State, is set to significantly improve its healthcare services by opening a new dialysis unit. This facility arrives at a critical time, addressing the growing regional need for kidney disease treatment.

Kidney diseases, including chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD), are major health concerns in South Africa. CKD often results from diabetes and hypertension, affecting approximately 10 per cent of the population. Without early detection and management, CKD can progress to ESRD, requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant.

For now, the new dialysis unit in Parys will only offer haemodialysis but will expand to peritoneal dialysis soon.

Haemodialysis filters blood through an external machine, while peritoneal dialysis uses the abdominal lining for filtration. This variety provides patients with flexible treatment options tailored to their needs.

The benefits of this new facility are immense:
1. Accessibility: Local patients will no longer need to travel far for dialysis, easing the burden on them and their families.
2. Quality of Life: Regular and nearby treatment can significantly improve health outcomes and patient well-being.
3. Community Support: The unit will offer screenings and educational programmes to promote the early detection and prevention of kidney diseases.

The dialysis unit also promises economic benefits by creating jobs and training opportunities for local healthcare workers.

Community involvement and support are crucial for the success of this initiative, ensuring that those affected by kidney diseases receive the care they need.

The opening of this dialysis unit marks a significant advancement in healthcare for Parys, offering hope and better health for many.

The dialysis unit is at 2 De Villiers Street, Parys.
You are welcome to call the facility at 079 629 1131.

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