
A gift of care

n Wednesday 27 July, Mrs Sannah Tshabalala received the title to her home in Tumahole. She was born on the 7th of July 1915. Eighty years later , Zoe Cohen was born on the same day. On the 7th of July 2016 Sannah turned 101 and Zoe turned 21.

On Wednesday 27 July, Mrs Sannah Tshabalala received the title to her home in Tumahole. She was born on the 7th of July 1915. Eighty years later , Zoe Cohen was born on the same day. On the 7th of July 2016 Sannah turned 101 and Zoe turned 21.
Zoe’s parents, Gavin and Batya Cohen, decided to sponsor, as a gift to Zoe, the title deed for Sannah.
At a moving ceremony in Sannah’s home, Joey Mochela, Mayor of Ngwathe, paid tribute to the selflessness of sponsors like Zoe and praised the Free Market Foundation’s role in establishing the Khaya Lam Project.
Victor Tshabalala, a grand-child, expressed his grand-mother’s thanks for this life-changing event. He said she couldn’t believe that somebody cared. Khaya Lam has so far processed 898 titles in Ngwathe with another 102 in the pipe-line.
The project was initiated in Ngwathe and has since spread throughout South Africa. This would not have been possible without the unwavering support of the Mayor and Ngwathe Council, the initial support of FNB and the many sponsors. When the 1000 titles are completed an amount of R100 000 000 will have been added to the wealth of Ngwathe’s residents.
Any enquiries as to how to be part of the Khaya Lam Project can be directed to Perry Feldman on 082 557 8130.

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