
Still no water and no answers

A shame on Ngathe management, says residents

On Monday, a month after announcing the appointment of contractors to refurbish the Parys Water Treatment Works,
councillors said no progress had been made thus far. Questions to the municipality in this regard had not been answered either.

Residents daily report their struggle without water, and has the water crisis been described widely on social media as a shame on the Ngwathe Management leaving a town without water over a long weekend with many businesses counting on tourism for an income.

The Ngwathe Infrastructure Committee meeting scheduled for Friday, 15 September, was also postponed after the chairperson said Ngwathe’s department managers had still not submitted the incomplete and missing items for discussion from the previous meeting.

The committee met in Koppies on 12 September, but the meeting had to be postponed due to the outstanding items.

This included information on the suggested contract with Tilus Electronics to instal rectification equipment at the main link at
the Eskom substation, which could mean much-needed power saving for the town. At the time of print, no new date for the
meeting had been set.


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