
Learners impress with review writing

For novelists, nothing is more valuable than finding out first-hand what readers think of their books.

For author Zelda Bezuidenhout, the morning of Friday, 15 September, was a rare opportunity to get authentic feedback from young readers.
At the beginning of August, Mrs Amelda Ferreira’s Grade 10 English classes at Weiveld Agricultural and Hotel School got copies of Zelda’s youth novel “Confessions of a Ginger Pudding” and were asked to each write a short review. Cash prizes and goodie bags were dangled as an incentive.

The Weiveld teens didn’t disappoint, and many were as delightful and unique as the young adults who wrote them.
“Confessions of a Ginger Pudding” is the English translation of Zelda’s best-selling Afrikaans youth novel, As mens geluk kon proe. Central themes are friendship and standing together even when times are tough. Many learners resonated with this and could identify closely with one or more characters.

Puleng Mokoteli from Sasolburg was elated when she took first prize. It just so happens that her dream is to become a technical writer one day. In a short interview after the prize-giving, Puleng told Zelda she’s wanted to be a writer since she “met” a character in a soapie called Until Time Ends. That character was an author. Suddenly, a writing career seemed appealing to Puleng. She has been telling stories since childhood, playing on the ground and using stones as characters in her plots.

Busisiwe Moloantoa, who won the second prize, said the book took her emotions on a rollercoaster ride. Even though she has many things in common with the main character, Arnelia, the quirky Shaun is her favourite. “He is sassy, stylish, creative and funny,” she explained.

The third prize winner, Reitumetse Fry, summarised her emotions when reading the book: “It made me happy and sad at the same time!”

Spot prizes were handed out to other learners in class for answering questions about the book correctly. All in all, everyone celebrated the magic of reading. After all, it is still one of the cheapest ways to escape reality.

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