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Work for food initiative starts this week

How do we get our town to be clean, and in the same time give relief to so many who cannot afford a meal? Free State Care in Action came up with the brilliant idea of working together to address both issues with the Work for Food Initiative.

The initiative, supported by Mooi Parys, started this week on Tuesday 9 May with 11 businesses that already gave their support on Tuesday.

What does it cost to support the initiative?
For as little a R5 a day you can support someone in need with a nutritious meal. By buying a coupon booklet for R400 you will have 80 coupons that will enable someone to get a meal for four months every day Monday to Friday at Free State Care in Action in Buiten Street.

How does it work?
People in need who are currently registered at Free State Care in Action, will be allocated to participating businesses and will report at the business at 08:00 in the morning to clean the sidewalk in front of their business. They will have an identification card with them. When done, they will be given a coupon to hand in at the Free State Care in Action kitchen to receive their meal.One coupon assures them of a meal.

How do you become part of the initiative?
Please phone Sanette at Free State Care in Action on (056) 811 2971 of visit their offices in Buiten Street. You can also call Braam Cilliers from MooiParys on 072 779 4079. Let us motivate residents to support this initiative that will both benefit our town and the ever growing need for help for those in need, rather than simply giving money to people begging on the streets. By joining hands we can make this initiative work.


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