Local news

Blood stocks at critical levels after Easter period

Blood stocks are currently critically low, at below three days' cover and far less than the five days' cover required to meet the country's needs.


Demand for blood increases during holidays, and blood collections slow down during this period because places like schools, where the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) collects the most blood, are closed.

The SANBS urges everyone, especially the youth and those who have not donated in a while and are eligible to donate blood, to spare 30 minutes to give the gift of life and help stabilise blood stock levels by visiting their nearest donor sites or mobile blood drive.

Residents of Parys can donate at the Reformed Church Hall, Corner of Loop and Paulsen Street, Parys, from 13:00 to 19:00 on Thursday, 27 April. Please help the SANBS reach its target of 50 units of blood.

Every donor will receive a token of appreciation. Only 40 donors presented at the Parys Community Blood Drive on Tuesday, 11 April.

To be eligible to donate blood, one must be between the ages of 16 and 75, weigh more than 50 kg and be in good health. If you meet these requirements, find your nearest donation site by contacting 0800 11 9031, visiting the SANBS website or reaching out and following SANBS on its official social media platforms: Twitter (@theSANBS); Facebook (@SANBS) and Instagram (@thesanbs).

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