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Recognition for students and lecturers at prestigious award ceremony

Congratulations to these students and lecturers

One hundred students of the Free State Community College received recognition for completion of their 2022 studies during the prestigious Free State CETC Award and Certification Ceremony held at the AfriDome in Parys.
These students completed the CETC Business Practice Skills course successfully, while others participated in the skills development programme funded by SETA.
Lecturers and Centre Managers were also recognised and awarded at the event.
Among the guests of honour were representatives of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the College Council and Management, representatives of the Premier’s office, Department of Correctional Services, Higher Health, SETA, NSF, Free Stat DoE, Umalusi and other key stakeholders.

Hosts from the Fezile Dabi district for the prestigious award ceremony.

In her message Thembisa Futshane, DDG for CET congratulated all students on their achievements despite challenges experienced during their studies. She applauded the college council and management for support given to the students, lecturers and centre managers, and emphasized the DHET’s support to increase enrolments, improve academic performance, increase the offering of skills, occupational and non-formal programmes.
The role of Higher Health in assisting the college to fight gender based violence and all other social ills affecting students, were brought to the fore.
Ms Matlawa, principal of the Free State Community Education and Training College (FS CETC) said that the college struggled to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, and in addition had to deal with the unintended consequences of the implementation of standardization of pay and benefits, that both impacted negatively on teaching and learning, reducing working hours of more than 300 academic staff. “We are expecting a huge improvement in 2023,” she said.
SETAs role in support of skills development in community education and training was once again emphasized, as regional manager, Mr Malaku, confirmed that R60 million has been invested in the CET Free State College.
Delegates were reminded by Mr Pule Mashele, acting regional manager for DHET responsible for the Free State and Gauteng Provinces, that Community Education and Trainign Colleges offer different types of accredited skills, by the DHET.

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