
Tuisgebakte brode

Onion and cheese bread Mix 500g self-raising flour and 1 packet white onion soup powder together. Mix 500ml buttermilk with 100ml milk and add to dry ingredients. Mix until just combined and spoon dough into greased loaf tin. Top with 50g grated cheese and bake 45 minutes at 180°C.

Onion and cheese bread
Mix 500g self-raising flour and 1 packet white onion soup powder together. Mix 500ml buttermilk with 100ml milk and add to dry ingredients. Mix until just combined and spoon dough into greased loaf tin. Top with 50g grated cheese and bake 45 minutes at 180°C.

Wholewheat loaf
Sift 240g flour with 10ml dry mustard powder and 10ml salt into a mixing bowl. Add 20g instant dry yeast, stir well. Place 750ml water, 75ml honey, 80g melted butter and 270g rolled oats in saucepan, heat gently until lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture, beat with a wooden spoon or electric mixer until blended. Add 2 finely chopped onions, 1 bunch chopped spring onions and a handful of chopped fresh herbs; mix well. Mix in 560g wholewheat flour, 250ml at a time, adding only enough to make a soft dough. Knead on a floured surface until smooth, 5 – 10 minutes. Place in lightly oiled bowl, cover with clingwrap. Allow to rise in warm place until doubled in bulk, about 30 minutes. Punch down, shape into large round, place on greased baking-tray. Cover and leave to rise again; brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with extra oats. Bake at 180° C about an hour. Remove from oven and cool on cooling rack.

Date and bran loaf
Grease 14 x 21cm loaf pan; cover the base with baking paper. Combine 125g soft butter, 125ml golden syrup and 250ml milk in a medium saucepan; stir over low heat without boiling. Cover and cool.
Stir 250ml chopped dates, 750ml self-raising flour, 125ml digestive bran, 5ml mixed spice and 1 egg into the mixture. Spread into prepared pan and bake at 160° C for 70 minute. Stand 5 minutes before turning onto wire rack to cool.

Geurige kaasbolletjies
Gebruik 1kg gekoopte witbrooddeeg. Verdeel die deeg in twee stukke. Neem 1 stuk en rol dit sowat 20mm dik uit. Strooi 250ml gerasperde kaas op die deeg en rol op soos ‘n rolkoek. Sny in dik skywe en plaas styf teen mekaar in gesmeerde, diep, ronde koekpan met ‘n deursnee van 22 – 25cm. Strooi paprika en rooipeper bo-oor en laat rys tot verdubbel. Doen dieselfde met die ander stuk deeg. Stel die oond op 180° C en bak sowat 30 minute tot goudkleurig en gaar. Sit warm voor saam met sop of slaai.

Granadilla loaf
Cream together 175g soft butter and 220ml sugar until creamy. Beat in 3 eggs, one at a time, and fold in 400ml self-raising flour, sifted, and 2 x 110 g cans granadilla pulp. Pour into greased and lined loaf pan. Bake at 170°C, one hour. Reduce heat to 150° C, bake a further 30 minutes. Turn out and cool on cooling rack.

Plaas 450g elk wit- en bruinbrood (sonder korsies en in blokkies gesny) in ’n groot mengbak met 1 liter water; week vir 30 minute en dreineer. Voeg by: 250 ml strooisuiker, 1 geklitste eier, 125g botter, gesmelt, 12,5ml fyn kaneel, 250ml pitlose rosyne, 125ml elk sultanas en glanskersies (gehalveer) en 60ml korente. Skep in groot oondbak, wat met kossproei bespuit is, en bak teen 180° C vir 1 uur en 30 minute. Lewer 8 – 10 porsies.

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