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Only insiders could do this: Mofokeng

Mayor: We managed to close some potholes in Vanderbijlaprk and Sebokeng areas. However, due to the recent heavy rains, we have seen most of the same roads damaged again.

VANDERBIJLPARK. – The stealing of underground electricity cables is alarming as the Emfuleni Local Municipality spent millions of rands on replacements.

This has made the Executive Mayor of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) angry. Councillor Mahole Mofokeng maintains that there are hooligans within the government aiming to sabotage his leadership and integrity.
Without mentioning names, Cllr Mofokeng blamed the factions and politicians within the department|
“I will not suffer in silence while people want to steal the fruit of democracy.”
“There are people who do not want to see good things happen.”
The draft for rates collection from the community is improving, he reported, saying also that most of the community is trying to pay for their services:
“We managed to close some potholes in Vanderbijlaprk and Sebokeng areas. However, due to the recent heavy rains, we have seen most of the same roads damaged again.
“Some of the contractors working with us have increased their prices. Others claim to have done the job, which is not true. These are criminals. Some of the same contractors or workers of Emfuleni will face the might of the law. These contractors will be blacklisted or their partnership with the municipality will be cut.
“We have conducted our own forensic investigation.”
Every day underground electric cables are stolen in Emfuleni. There’s a possibility that this done by municipal workers. No-one from the streets, thugs or nyaope addicts could do this, only insiders.
“If the suspects are politicians or our own workers, said the mayor, their days are numbered:
“It won’t take long before the suspects are brought to book.”
He said not long ago 21 street lights and cables were stolen at Delfos Boulevard:
“I will make sure that corruption and maladministration is brought to an end. I’d die to make sure that the goods of the public and the governments are safe.” The mayor sent a clear message to the suspects of cable theft that their days are numbered. He urged those criminals to stop now or face the consequences.


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