
Register to vote this weekend

Unregistered voters may register or re-register this weekend (5 and 6 March). You can vote only if you are registered closest to where you now live. The number of wards in Ngwathe has been reduced from 20 to 18. Most voters remain registered at their current voting stations, but the number of their wards may have changed. “Ward 18 has been split into Wards 14 and 15 and combined with wards in Mokwallo in Vredefort,” says Shirley Vermaak, DA councillor for the present Ward 18.

Unregistered voters may register or re-register this weekend (5 and 6 March). You can vote only if you are registered closest to where you now live.
The number of wards in Ngwathe has been reduced from 20 to 18. Most voters remain registered at their current voting stations, but the number of their wards may have changed.
“Ward 18 has been split into Wards 14 and 15 and combined with wards in Mokwallo in Vredefort,” says Shirley Vermaak, DA councillor for the present Ward 18.
This means that some present NG Kerk Wes voters must re-register at a new voting station at the Rotary Club in Rotary Street (near the “Sandgat”). These voters are residents on the river side of Breë Street, from Noorder Street, in Saligna and Vaal de Grace and on farms on the way to Vredefort.
Current Ward 18 voters living south of Breë Street will still vote at the NG Kerk Wes. (Entry to the church grounds is temporarily from Kort Street via Unie Street.)
The present Ward 13 becomes Ward 12, with the Town Hall and Library still the main voting stations, but with the addition of the AME St Leornard Church in Tumahole.
Voting stations will be open from 8:00 till 17:00 on both Saturday and Sunday.
“ Please take your ID or new smart card when you go to register, ” says DA cllr Saal de Jager of Ward 13. “To find out whether you are registered already, simply SMS your ID number to 32810,” he adds.
Residents who will be away this weekend can visit the Independent Electoral College (IEC) offices in Liebenbergstrek (near the Municipal Offices) during office hours on weekdays to register

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