
Golden Oldies still playing and enjoying their golf

A group of up to 15 senior citizens, both men and women, who call themselves the Golden Oldies, held their braai and prize giving on 2 February at Villa Riviera.

Golden Oldies still playing and enjoying their golf
A group of up to 15 senior citizens, both men and women, who call themselves the Golden Oldies,
held their braai and prize giving on 2 February at Villa Riviera.
The prize winners were Richard Evans who won the first prize of R750 cash, followed by Malcolm Foster who won R400 cash and Deon Kilian who came in third with R250 prize money.
It was a pleasant afternoon enjoyed by all, not forgetting the golf balls which lies in the Vaal.
The group meets on Tuesdays and Thursday at 07:30 during summer and 08:30 during winter months. Two competitions are held on both days. The 6 best scores of each player during the year is taken into account and the highest scores at the end of the year determines the winners.
Five of the group are 80 years and older. They are Richard Evans (80), Tiens Buitendag (80), Ray Pullen (84), Willie Smith (84) and At Weideman (92 in March). The total years played by the 5 mentioned above are 204 – in average 51 years. They played a total holes in one of 5 average 1 (does not look good but maybe that keeps them playing). The lowest handicaps since playing golf is Ray Pullen 3, At Weideman 6, Tien Buitendag 9, Richard Evans 10 and Willie Smith 24.
So come on young oldies, take out your clubs from the dusty corner of the garage, dust them off and come join The Golden Oldies. The invitation goes to members of the Parys Golf Course and visitors.

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