
More help for Siamese twin’s parents

On 11 February Voorspoed Mine joined the community of the Free State and Fezile Dabi in assisting and supporting the Twala family from Tumahole; Parys to care for their Siamese twin, Tshepo and Tshepang. Tshepo and Tshepang were born in October 2015 and are conjoined together. The District Mayor of Fezile Dabi, Cllr Moshodi and …

On 11 February Voorspoed Mine joined the community of the Free State and Fezile Dabi in assisting and supporting the Twala family from Tumahole; Parys to care for their Siamese twin, Tshepo and Tshepang.
Tshepo and Tshepang were born in October 2015 and are conjoined together. The District Mayor of Fezile Dabi, Cllr Moshodi and Voorspoed Mine, Corporate Affairs Managers visited the twins at the hospital soon after they were born.
When the twins were released from hospital, the office of the Executive Mayor of Fezile Dabi, Voorspoed Mine and the Security company (G4S), joined hands to assist the family with a fridge, stove, baby cot and bed, clothing and nappies. The items donated cost just above R50 000 and were delivered by Fezile Dabi Executive Mayor, Cllr Moshodi; Speaker of the Fezile Dabi Municipality, Cllr Nkefu; and Corporate Affairs Manager for Voorspoed Mine, Lydia Radebe.
Radebe said the mine hopes that the items will ease caring for the twins. She added that the mine will continue to work with government departments, municipalities and registered NGO’s to support needy community members in any way possible. Älthough the mining industry (including Voorspoed Mine) is faced with difficult financial challenges, social responsibility for Voorspoed Mine remains a priority and the mine will continue touching lives and making a positive and lasting legacy” she said adding that they will continue to work with and support the Twala family in any way possible to make the lives of the twins better.

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