
A selfie with an elfie in Santa’s Grotto

A selfie with an elfie in Santa’s Grotto



Parys receives many visitors over the festive season and Santa is no exception. Santa is coming to town on 11 December and setting up shop in the form of Santa’s Grotto. You may ask what Santa’s Grotto is. The best way to explain it is that it is part of a store, shop, etc., installed in the period before Christmas and decorated to resemble a cavern/cave/room/ grotto. There, children and adults can have photos with Santa and his elves (photo booths and selfies in this case, due to covid restrictions) and generally enjoy all things Christmas. These include decorations, lights, carols, hot chocolate, cookies and gifts. Santa’s Grotto is situated at the Epilepsy SA shop, Breë Street (opposite The Dot Shop). The grand opening is at 17:00 on 11 December, along with the Nagmark festivities. Visit them till 23 December except on Monday, and closed on Sundays, to get more info on other activities the Epilepsy Centre is offering. Among them are stocking painting workshops, Christmas bingo, carol karaoke competitions and more.  


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