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Making life better for the less fortunate

DA councillors and branch members helped to make life a little better for the less privileged on Mandela Day,18 July.

DA councillors and branch members helped to make life a little better for the less privileged on Mandela Day,18 July.
In Kwakwatsi, Koppies, DA caucus chairperson, Carina Serfontein, and branch members dedicated the day to the aged and children.
They gave blankets to the needy and helped elderly people with housework, among other things. Serfontein’s two sons, Luhan (10) and Dian (8), handed out suckers to the children.
In Parys, DA caucus leader, Arnold Schoonwinkel took books and clothes to the SPCA charity shop. Cllr Johann Roos donated a used computer, printer and other equipment, as well as clothes and toys to the Makgosani Social Development Project and the Father Lewis Balink Foundation.
Shirley Vermaak has been knitting squares for blankets for the past few months while councillors, Freddie Scholtz and Small Sehume, started early with their Mandela Day activities, by joining hands with Tumahole branch chair, Jeff Setabela and members by holding another of their regular soup kitchens last week. This time they were at the Thusanong Clinic.

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