
Ten reasons why routine is important for you child

A child finds calmness, security and love through elements of routine like family dinners or regular Thursday trips to the playground.

All families need some form of routine to establish a normal daily life. It is a way of getting things done and gives a sense of security. Children are often scared of what is unfamiliar to them – whether it’s the broccoli on their plate – or a big life change like moving to a different house or gaining a new sibling.
Even though change is a learning opportunity, it can also be stressful for children. A healthy routine brings comfort and consistency to a child’s life.
Daily routines might include:
•The time to get ready in the morning
•Bath times, mealtimes, nap times and bedtimes.
•Housework, cooking and cleaning schedules
•Playtime, family time and outdoor play.
When you include meaningful and important events in your family life, you’re letting your child know what’s important. While daily routines look different across families, cultures and religions, the most important aspect is creating a routine that works for you and your family.
Ten reasons why a routine is important for your child:
1. Helps the child get on a schedule
A consistent routine will help your child and their “body clocks” with many day-to-day basics like:
•Ability to take naps and sleep well at night
•Ability to eat healthy, full meals
•Regular bowel movement
•Healthy play and outdoor time
•Calm, relaxed behaviour at “down times” during the day.
For example, because your child and their body know it’s time to sleep, they can wind down and rest more easily.
2. Binds the family together
When a child knows what to expect and notices regular family activities, they begin to understand what’s important. This strengthens shared values, beliefs and interests.
The child, for example, might see that eating breakfast together in the morning is important.
They can see that family time together is special. Even if your child is young, they will pick up on these tradi- tions. The family binds together by doing regular, significant things together.
3. Establishes expectations
Rather than having a power struggle about picking up toys at the end of the day or taking a bath, a child becomes used to knowing when “pick up time” and “bath time” are. Children begin to expect and complete activities without an issue. As the parent, you become a partner in that routine, rather than the person who tells the child to “do this” and “not do that.”
4. Creates a calmer household
Because the child and other family members know what to expect, stress and anxiety are reduced. The child will know what comes next. They will feel valued because they are included in the plans and don’t feel as if they’re being forced to do something.
5. Gives your child confidence and independence
With a routine, a child will learn, over time, when it’s time to brush their teeth or put on their pyjamas. They will take pride in knowing what they are supposed to do – and to do it by themselves. Rather than always being told what must happen, your child will feel confident to go ahead and be in charge of themselves. When children feel empowered and independent, they are less likely to rebel or retaliate.
6. Establishes healthy, constructive habits
From brushing teeth regularly to completing homework every afternoon, routines help establish constructive habits. Children who practise these skills will be able to manage their time better. As they age, they’ll have more self-discipline in terms of good grooming and healthy eating habits, along with studying and cleaning their rooms.
7. Helps you remember
Whether it’s ensuring your child takes their medicine every day, or remembering to pay the bills every month, a routine helps you stay on track. Amid busy family life, you’ll be able to keep track of the important details – allowing for a more stress-free household and quality time together as a family.
8. Offers your child an opportunity to get excited about what’s ahead
If your child knows what’s on the schedule, they anticipate and look forward to future events – like going to the park on Friday afternoons or spending time with Dad on Sunday mornings. When these activities are established, your child feels like a loved part of the family and the world.
9. Provides an opportunity for special “daily rituals”
When you build something special into your day, like snuggling and reading to your child before bed, you create special moments or “daily rituals.” These dedicated times create increased bonding and connection with your child every day.
Rather than just moving from one activity to the next, you have quality, relaxing time built into each day.
10. Offers stability during times of change or stress
Change and stress impact a child’s life and sense of security. This may include a divorce, change in a school system or the addition of a new sibling.
When the family has an established routine, stability is present in the child’s life, no matter what is going on.
A child finds calmness, security and love through elements of routine like family dinners or regular Thursday trips to the playground.

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Liezl Scheepers

Liezl Scheepers is editor of the Parys Gazette, a local community newspaper distributed in the towns of Parys, Vredefort and Viljoenskroon. As an experienced community journalist in all fields for the past 30 years, she has a passion for her community, and has been actively involved in several community outreach projects as part of Parys Gazette's team.

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