
Suffered in any way from the Vaal River pollution – act now

Mail your submission before 26 October 2018 to

Are you of the opinion that your right to access to clean water, a clean environment, or your dignity has been violated by the pollution of the Vaal River which became evident at the end of July? The you need to act now.
The SA Human Rights Commission is investigating the pollution of the Vaal River and is asking for submissions from the public.
You can now forward your one page submission to, after which they will compile all the complaints and forward them to the Commision.
Mail your submission before 26 October 2018 to
Send a short description, photographs, statistics, medical reports etc. that can proof that you have suffered in whatever way.
For instance farmers -if you have for example incurred extra costs due to new boreholes that had to be sunk, compensate for changes in the constitution of your soil (pH values that have changed), extra costs fro the cleaning of troughs due to algae growth, loss of income because you could not use water to irrigate crops, illnesses in livestock that were demonstably caused by the drinking of polluted water etc.
Tourism operators, guest houses, shops that have seen a drop in visitor’s numbers compared to previous years, had cancellations with specific reference to the pollution, demonstrable loss of revenue, incurred extra expenditure due to removal of dead fish etc.
If you have any other proof that the pollution of the Vaal River has negatively impacted your business or the health of yourself or visitors, please send your submission.

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