
Stories about ghosts, murder and mystery

Parysenaars will soon be asked to tell their best local ghost, murder and legend stories. Parys was once South Africa’s premier inland resort. In recent years the town has begun to return to its former glory as a leading destination with boasting cuisine, art & antiques, weekend accommodation packages in and around town, eco-excursions, geological trails (given that Parys is part of the UNESCO-awarded Vredefort Dome), and much more.

Parysenaars will soon be asked to tell their best local ghost, murder and legend stories. Parys was once South Africa’s premier inland resort. In recent years the town has begun to return to its former glory as a leading destination with boasting cuisine, art & antiques, weekend accommodation packages in and around town, eco-excursions, geological trails (given that Parys is part of the UNESCO-awarded Vredefort Dome), and much more.

Now Parys will take the lead when it comes to ‘Mystery Weekends Away’ – a package designed in 2003, by none other than SA’s leading magician and illusionist, Rose-Christie, hailed by the media as “SA’s David Copperfield”.

Due to injuries sustained from a near-fatal road accident in the Cape in 1999, Rose-Christie was unable to launch the project.  However this all changed when Eben van Rooyen Coetzee of Parys Travel & Tour, invited Rose-Christie and his son to Parys with a view to launching the project here.

When Rose-Christie arrived in Parys, he was completely taken aback by the beautiful environs which he had not seen before when he’d passed through the town on occasion – from the Vaal’s charming islands to the vast countryside – with the Vredefort Dome, local ghost & murder stories, and other legends, making the perfect place for Mystery Weekends Away.

Rose-Christie’s son will assist him with the hard grind, and with Coetzee acting as partner to carry half of the weight of the project, Rose-Christie has agreed that Parys will become the first SA town or city to launch the Mystery Weekends Away concept which comprises of a magical weekend escape away from busy city life for groups of 20 or more.

This can be done private, for tourist groups or corporate (ideal for team-building too). The weekend will begin with a sumptuous dinner on the Friday, followed by a ghost tour around the town, and then touring into the countryside at night with a theatrical climax. Guests have the next day to explore the town and various local activities and trails.

That night a murder dinner will see a few chosen guests, dressed up in period costumes, acting as suspects – all to the amusement of the other guests amidst comedy, intrigue and dramatic entertainment. After breakfast on Sunday, guests will go on a relic hunt, which highlights aspects of the Vredefort Dome (the largest impact crater) and local geology where prizes will be awarded to winners.

However Coetzee and Rose-Christie, wish to do justice to the town by ensuring that the best of Parys’ ghost, murder and legendary stories are told. Primarily to make sure that ghost stories coming from Parys, are found and told. Together with key role players and organisations in the culture and hospitality industry, they will be hosting a “town meeting” at Egweni River Lodge Parys, from 18:00 to 21:00, on Tuesday, 23 June 2015. Anyone who can assist with ghost stories and murder and legend stories (all to do with Parys) are welcome to attend. Some of

Some of the more intriguing details that are being sought, are for:
– The alleged murder at Palm Court Hotel (previously the Parys Hotel)
– The Hammer Murder.
– The reason (maybe a suicide, murder or fatal fight) for ghosts that apparently appeared at the then Bridge Lodge (the river, or due to the nearby Mimosa Gardens).
– Details of Mrs Lang and her son who lived in Parys’ first house ‘Klipspruit’.
– Any UFO sightings.
– Ghost stories about the old Clinic/Maternity Home (white & blue single-storey building, now standing empty).
– Any road ghosts (phantom hitch-hikers, donkey carts, cars etc.)

Participants are asked to write their stories beforehand and hand them in at the meeting, where a discussion will follow regarding all the stories, while all enjoy a free spread of snacks and wine, and finally some entertainment by Rose-Christie himself – all to say thank you for the participants’ assistance. Such a “town meeting” is not unusual for Rose-Christie, who has held them before as research for his Mystery Ghost Bus tours which have run for the past 15 years in Johannesburg and Pretoria, and periodically in Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town.

All round, this fun-on-the-town ‘town meeting’, with Rose-Christie entertaining all, followed by the launch of Parys’ Mystery Weekends Away soon afterwards, promises to be a magical bit of escapism – with Parys being squarely placed on the map when it comes to perhaps one of the most unique forms of entertainment yet. Participants wanting to attend the meeting on 23 June, can contact Eben Coetzee on 084 886 9500 to book seats.

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