
Because giving has always been a crazy, satifying and rewarding thing…

Come join the pruning party! Love gardening? Why not join the rose pruning party at the tunnels in Allenby Street on Tuesday 24 July at 10:00? Yes, you are right – no party it’s work. But for all your effort you will get a free demonstration on how to prune roses. And even if you …

Come join the pruning party!
Love gardening? Why not join the rose pruning party at the tunnels in Allenby Street on Tuesday 24 July at 10:00?
Yes, you are right – no party it’s work. But for all your effort you will get a free demonstration on how to prune roses. And even if you know how to prune, there is always somethingto learn by doing it someone else’s way.
You need your own pruning scissor and gloves, and make sure to bring good humour and joy with.
No food or eats will be provided, unless a kind business sponsors it. Fresh farm water will be available.
What will you get out of it? You will help 5 ladies to have beautiful roses in Spring, in order to sell and provide for their families.

Crazy – you might think? But then giving has always been a crazy, beautiful, satifying and rewarding thing we humans do.
Come on – let’s show others we care. Join the pruning party and see how rewarding giving can be.
Phone Rykie on 082 633 6685 if you need more information or are willing to help.

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