
Ngwathe Municipality summoned to Parliament

Ngwathe was one of ten municipalities that appeared before Parliament’s Scopa (Standing committee on public accounts) last Wednesday, 13 June.

These municipalities owe Eskom the most in terms of arrears debt with Ngwathe owing over R900 million.
Following the meeting, David Ross MP, the DA spokesperson on Scopa, argued strongly that Eskom should not proceed with further notices to interrupt or discontinue electricity supply to seriously defaulting municipalities like Ngwathe as this would have severe and negative consequences for the local communities.
‘The rights of paying customers who are up to date are particularly violated,’ he said. Such customers have recently used class actions to obtain interdicts against Eskom.
The interruptions have not been a prospect for Ngwathe since Eskom accepted a settlement proposal from Ngwathe ear-lier.
Last month, the council heard that Ngwathe had strictly adhered to the set terms set up to now.
The Ngwathe Mayor, Joey Mochela and Mr Bruce Kannemeyer, the Municipal Manager represented the municipality.

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