
Zuma defends his monument

The Democratic Alliance has learnt that Jacob Zuma has himself defended the building of a multi-million rand six-metre statue of himself, in the North West.

President Jacob Zuma Photo: Selogile Leshage

The Democratic Alliance says it has learnt that Jacob Zuma has himself defended the building of a multi-million rand six-metre statue of himself, in the North West.
DA NW leader, Joe McGluwa says on a community radio broadcast on Friday night, Zuma defended the statue, saying it would record history.
McGluwa says he has called the Zuma statue a monument to corruption and unemployment, as that is the only history it will record for South Africa.
‘Our country has been deeply disturbed by Zuma’s Presidency; a regime that has left 9 million people unemployed, has let corruption flourish, has allowed the state to be captured by cronies and pals and has broken parliament while violating the constitution – this is the history which a statue of Jacob Zuma will record.
‘That Jacob Zuma would come out and defend millions of rands to be spent on a statue of himself, shows that the ANC priority is not to deliver to the people, but to deliver to themselves.
‘We reject Jacob Zuma’s defence and explanation for building an enormous statue to himself; a statue will not improve the lives of our people, who are desperate for jobs, services and a better future. The people of the North West demand services, not statues,’ said McGluwa.

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