
Election of ward committees in Ward 12 Ngwathe – your chance to make a difference

Ward committees for Ngwathe’s Ward 12 for the political term of office 2016/2021, will take place on 15 February 2017. A Ward Committee is a structure created to assist the democratically elected representative of a Ward to carry out his or her mandate. It has no legal persona but serves as an advisory committee to support the ward councillor.

Ward committees for Ngwathe’s Ward 12 for the political term of office 2016/2021, will take place on 15 February 2017.
A Ward Committee is a structure created to assist the democratically elected representative of a Ward to carry out his or her mandate. It has no legal persona but serves as an advisory committee to support the ward councillor.
You now have the opportunity to participate and make a difference in your community by standing for elections or voting for someone who will.
Criteria for Nominations
•Nominees must be registered voters of the ward.
•They should be motivated to work in a voluntary capacity, aiming to improve life for the constituents in the Ward.
•A nominee who works for the Municipality, may not be elected as a Ward Committee member, for the municipality in which he/she is employed.
•If indebted to the municipality, or is in arrears regarding payments for their service accounts, nominees should upon appointment, make the necessary arrangements to meet their obligation.
•A nominee may not be elected if convicted of an offence and sent to prison without the option of a fine for a period of not less than 12 months after February 1997.
•A nominee may not be elected if declared of unsound mind by a court.
Completion of the Nomination Form / A nominated person must:
•Be nominated by two community members who are registered voters in the same ward
•Accept the nomination by signing the nomination form.
•Choose ONLY ONE SECTOR in which they intend to serve.
The Sectors are as follows:
Housing, Transport, Public safety, Economic Development and Finance, Infrastructure and Services, Community Development 1 (Sports, Culture and Youth), Community Development 2 (Women, Faith Based Groups, CBO and GCO’s), Environment, Health, Development Planning and Urban Management.
Nomination forms will be available at the Speakers Office, Ngwathe Municipal Building, Liebenbergstrek, Parys. Opening and Closing dates for nomination are 19 January 2017 to 8 February 2017. All completed forms must be submitted to

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