How to breastfeed your preemie

Breastfeeding your preemie can be challenging at first – but practice makes perfect! Probably the most profound initial challenge is the emotional cocktail of anxiety at having a baby in a neonatal unit, and feelings of failure about not having carried to term. In addition to the emotional stress, you might need help to breastfeed …

Breastfeeding your preemie can be challenging at first – but practice makes perfect! Probably the most profound initial challenge is the emotional cocktail of anxiety at having a baby in a neonatal unit, and feelings of failure about not having carried to term. In addition to the emotional stress, you might need help to breastfeed as well.

Getting breastfeeding established

You don’t need to carry your baby to term to lactate – your breasts are physically capable of producing milk from about 20 weeks into your pregnancy, and the delivery of your placenta is their ultimate cue to begin. Furthermore, oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, and prolactin, are the two hormones you need coursing through your body to produce milk. The good news is that there’s a lot you can do to help your body produce oxytocin.

Louise Goosen, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and the chairperson of Milk Matters, suggests the following:

How to express

Get a rhythm: It’s important to get a rhythm to the movement of your fingers, as this is how a baby suckles. Let this rhythm be your focus rather than trying to squeeze harder. Also, express regularly at short intervals rather than for long periods at a time. It’s helpful to have someone to hold a teaspoon, syringe or tiny cup to catch the drops of milk. Alternatively, hold your container at the nipple edge with your other hand. When the flow of drops slows down, you need to change your hand position so that your thumb and index finger are positioned at three o’clock and nine o’clock.

Switch breasts: Once the production of colostrum seems to slow down – and this may be no longer than 10 minutes into the process – then switch to the other breast. If you’re really struggling to express even a few drops, you can try using a breast pump to stimulate the breast. Don’t get discouraged, though. The technique takes time and patience to master.

Supply: Your supply is triggered by demand. Initially, aim to express every two hours in the day, and every three hours at night. Eventually, you can try 12 times a day (no less than eight). If you do experience a drop in supply, express more regularly. Doing Kangaroo Mother Care and putting your baby to the breast, even if she can’t suckle, will boost supply.

Getting your preemie to latch: When your baby is physically able to be placed at your breast, allow her to access it without expecting a latch. As preemies, they get tired quickly, so take it slow.

Best positions to get your preemie to latch:


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