Editor's note

Is administration the answer for Newcastle?

Do you think placing Newcastle under administration would be a good idea?

Dear Reader,

The unstable political leadership environment across Northern KwaZulu-Natal begs the question: should we be placed under administration?

Many believe this could be the perfect solution to the problems plaguing local municipalities.

As it currently stands, our Mayor is still on enforced leave, council has not yet elected either a Speaker or Deputy Mayor, and the Municipal Manager has also not returned to his post, leaving an acting MM in place.

While the eyes of the nation are on smaller municipalities like Newcastle, the ruling party has made it clear corruption and disrepute will no longer be tolerated.

But what does this mean for the average taxpayer, who has no avenue of recourse?

Reports are still coming in regarding service delivery issues, and it seems like officials are scrambling to gain traction under a landslide of issues and complaints.

I feel for those who legitimately want to do their jobs, and do it well. After all, it takes but one rotten apple to tarnish the reputation of others who have proven both their loyalty and adequacy.

Do you think placing Newcastle under administration would be a good idea?

Let me know: reveshni@caxton.co.za or 034 312 6021.

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