Your weekly dose of astrology

Scorpio - Your charisma is powerful and you can be at your most persuasive now.

The symbolism of Virgo will be prominent for you for the next few weeks. This is a time to believe your dreams and make that push toward success. The Force is with you now. Activities requiring strength and/or endurance are favoured.

Venus is your Avatar planet and next week she encounters her partner, Mars, in your house of romance, creativity, and children. If you are an artist of any type, this is the time to begin anew on a project. Don’t carry the Critic with you. Just experience the medium, whether it is paint, food, or music. Creative work will build upon itself if you just give it a chance to begin.

Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into the sector of life related to children, recreation, personal creativity, and romance. Your attention will be focused in these areas for three weeks. You will enjoy everything more if you can leave your Inner Critic in a box and not let it loose while you play.

The week begins on a social note. Then you may experience a minor conflict with a family member over home, hearth, and finances. Do not fret. Everything will be resolved during the next week. In general, your mind is at peace now.

You may feel called upon to devote energy to the well-being of siblings, cousins, or neighbours. If you have anything to do with school(s), you may be giving energy to a special project that will help give a good start.

Your creativity is strong now. It is unusual for the Virgins to make a first step in a relationship, but if you are thinking about it, the next two weeks are prime time. Activities involving romance, children, and play augur well. Whatever you do to promote healing for yourself and others will be golden.

Mercury travels rapidly through your sign between September 29 and October 17. During this period there likely will be greater emphasis on communications, errands, and other short distance travels. You will be ready to make decisions that you have hesitated over for several weeks. A positive outcome to home improvements is likely at hand.

Your charisma is powerful and you can be at your most persuasive now. It is unnecessary to manipulate anyone to get what you want. Step aside from such temptations. Activities requiring physical energy are accented and favoured now. You have a need to get out and about to refresh your spirit.

You are restless and excitable. You want to make changes in your routine and/or home and hearth. Those who are fortunate have travel plans during this period, which can use some of that extra adrenaline you are toting. Your exuberant mood might cause you to overextend your promises. Think before committing.

Circumstances will work in your favour as you deal with travel, legal interests, higher education, religious activities, and/or publishing matters. In some situations it is a matter of good will from others, and in other situations, it may just be happenstance that the rule of the Powers that Be helps things flow in your direction.

This is a great time to kick back, go on holiday, or watch your favourite movies. October brings more action and pulls you out of your comfort zone toward multiple activities. For now you can enjoy some days of R&R.

Much of your attention is focused on one or more significant others during this period. Give as much as you truly want to give. If you have a sense that your help is being extracted from you, stop and look carefully at what you are doing. Allowing someone to ‘take’ your energy is not a healthy practice.

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