
An experience of a life time for Vryheid choristers

Vryheid was goed verteenwoordig by Fantasia.

IT may be a cliché, but it describes the Capital Singers’ ‘Fantasia’ in Pretoria from the very first to the last note!

Ever been in the State Theatre in Pretoria? Some might have been in the audience but to even dream of performing on stage is for most of us just that, a dream.

Maar drome kan waar word, soos die liedjie sê en, vir ‘n groepie van ons plaaslike sangliefhebbers en hulle kinders, het die droom waar geword.

Vryheid was goed verteenwoordig by Fantasia. Vir Gustav Röhrs en Alfred (Pretoria) was dit ‘n eerste keer. Vir Ria Grobler en haar dogters, Marinette en Janneke van Pretoria, Surina van Vryheid en Lourette van Empangeni en twee kleinkinders Lou-Ri en Lourens was dit ‘n sprokiesgeleentheid om saam te kon sing in die koor van 651 lede. Hou Kwêla dop vir ‘n onderhoud met die Groblers!

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Wat het Fantasia so spesiaal gemaak? Eerstens, die feit dat die koorlede Vrydagaand vir die eerste maal bymekaar gekom het en na intensiewe oefening reeds Saterdagaand opgetree het en dit opgevolg het met nog twee konserte Sondag. Tweedens, die professionele orkes wat hulle begelei het en die sanger, Jonathan Roxmouth, wat die solis en compère was. En dan natuurlik, Christo Burger en Michael Barrett – die uitstekende koorleiers wat drie jaar gelede met hierdie projek begin het. Om die geleentheid te kry om saam met 651 ander stemme in ‘n sprankelende program op te tree is daarby ‘n absoluut onvergelyklik ervaring.

From left to right: Back: Lourette Upton, Surina Jonker, Lou-Ri Upton, Ria Grobler, Marinette du Toit, Alfred Röhrs. Front: Lourens Jonker, Gustav Röhrs, Janneke Labuschagne.

A large part of the magic was the selection of music – songs from animated films – and this included enchanted music from old favourites like Mary Poppins and The Lion King, to the very latest from Beauty and the Beast. Nothing could have been more appropriate than to end the programme with a song from Pinocchio, ‘When you wish upon a star, your dream comes true…’

In total, 32 songs (or parts of songs) were performed. Choir members received the music electronically two months beforehand to practice their voice parts. All three concerts were sung to capacity audiences enjoying the shows tremendously. For the choir this made the 17 hours on their feet to practice and sing all worth it.

Toe die laaste note Sondagaand wegsterf was daar min droë oë in die teater, nuwe vriende het gegroet en huiswaarts gekeer sover as die Kaap, KZN en selfs uit Duitsland en die VSA. Om nie van die Vryheiders en Paulpietersburgers te praat nie!

Capital Singers has three performances per year and enrollment for the Christmas concert is already open. It will take place from December 3 – 7. It creates an unforgettable experience for any singer from the community. People from all walks of life, with the passion for singing who simply cannot commit to a long-term choir schedule, due to their workload or family matters, yet still want to sing in a project choir are welcome to enroll. Visit the capitalsingers website for more information.

You can read the full story on our App. Download it here.

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