
#WackyWednesday: The strangest moments in history

History is a fascinating thing, but there's plenty of oddness too.

It has been said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. However, there are certain moments of history which would definitely be embarrassing if ever repeated.

Here are five of the strangest moments in history:

1. The Great Emu War

After World War I, the Australian military started The Great Emu War. This unusual conflict saw armed forces attempt to cull emus with machine guns.

Six days after the attack on the Emus, 2,500 rounds of ammunition were fired and not one single emu killed. Technically, that means the Emus won.

2. Emperor Caligula and the war against Poseidon

Roman Emperor Caligula was not quite 25 when he became emperor in 37 A.D. While considered one of most tyrannical emperors ever, he also might have been the craziest.

He once held a large meeting with the sole intention of telling the attendants that if he wanted to, he could have them all killed. The meeting was then concluded.

He also waged war against the sea god, Poseidon. Caligula led 10 000 soldiers to the sea and ordered them to stab it with spears.

3. Recruiting enemy soldiers during war

During the Austro-Prussian War of 1868, the small state of Liechtenstein sent an army of 80 men into Italy as part of the war efforts.

Surprisingly all the men survived, and even returned with an Italian soldier who decided to join the small army back to Liechtenstein.

The Liechtenstein army holds the distinction of being one of the few armies to boast returning from battle with more soldiers than when they started.

4. We have a real joker here

In the late 1700’s, a letter appeared in a major London newspaper complaining England was being forced to take deported French prisoners.

The British were apparently furious and wanted this to be stopped with immediate effect. In the process, the French became equally upset over the uproar, which seemed to imply England was too good for French prisoners.

Both governments were furious and war was looming before it all unraveled as an elaborate hoax.

It was learned years later that the letter was written by Benjamin Franklin, who was spending six months in England and decided to stir up some trouble to cull his boredom.

5. Must be a tough job

Pedro José Domingo de la Calzada Manuel María Lascuráin Paredes was a Mexican politician who served as the 34th President of Mexico.

It’s known the presidency is a tough job, but Paredes held the post for less than an hour on February 19, 1913.

This earned him the crown for the shortest presidency in the history of the world.

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