
Your weekly dose of astrology

Libra - Changes may be occurring in your primary relationship

Mars, your ruling planet, is finally changing direction to forward motion. This means your probability of moving forward is improving. You probably want to bolt through the starting gate, but full speed develops slowly. Mars must retrace its steps to an open field early in August.

If there are ‘power’ issues between you and another, this is the week that they will be in full bloom. Discomfort means that change is needed in one or both of your attitudes. Intensity is the theme. Concentrate on remaining conscious so that you won’t fall into manipulative games, especially the one called “prove it if you love me.”

Your ruling planet, Mercury, moves into the sign of Cancer for the next two to three weeks. Your attention will be drawn to organising your financial picture. This is not your favourite activity, but it must be done from time to time.

Intensity in relationships is the theme of the week. If you are not conscious, you could be pulled into schemes of manipulation or compulsive behaviours. Existing relationships could re-experience the pain of old wounds. You have a choice of whether to work it through or act it out in the same ways as the first time. If things feel ‘icky’, someone is manipulating.

The Lions experience a twist of annual fate. For one month, beginning at the summer solstice, it is a time of retreat. This time is meant to help you recharge, refuel, and become more clearly in touch with your inner self. Allow extra time to meditate, reflect, journal, and read spiritually uplifting material.

You are finishing a work project and shifting gears into new territory this week. You will be focusing on communications with friends, acquaintances, and building your network. You are a leader during this period, because you have the vision to see the big picture. It’s possible that you have been surprising yourself with this shift in your usual, quiet character.

Changes may be occurring in your primary relationship. One or the other of you is probably trying to hang onto what is familiar. Changes and growth must be allowed to happen or the relationship will become stale. Let things flow naturally. Don’t jump to conclusions or make problems bigger than they are.

Your sign, above all others, will be relieved by the Mars change to direct motion. After cleaning up the debris of the past three months, you will be ready to move forward and take initiative. If you have been ill, you will soon be better. Certainly you will be freer to move around in your world.

The tide has turned. You are just beginning to gain traction toward your goal. There is an improvement in your resources and your good ideas fit into the flow of things. That makes it easier to get them accomplished. “The Force Is With You.”

Issues that have been brewing for a while in relationship(s) are coming to a turning point. You and another may be vying for emotional control. This can be very subtle and create long-term issues that occasionally explode to the surface. You know control is not satisfying. Look for ways to share equally.

You continue to be detoured from your normal routine of life through this week. Then you will start to see cracks of daylight in your path. Just hang on for this week and try to remain patient. If you need information, this is the time to research and prepare for the future.

Romance and creativity are in the air. Enjoy whatever the arts and music provide for your pleasure. Partnership(s) and relationship(s) to your children fare well at this time. Your ideas are likely to be particularly creative now.

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Sihle Ntenjwa

Journalist at Estcourt News

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