
Travelling this Easter? Think ahead

Keep safe on the roads this Easter - let us show you how!

No doubt, the Easter holidays have been given a bad reputation.

What is meant to be a time of family and celebration, is now known for being a time of year where road carnage peaks.

We all want to avoid becoming a statistic.

If you and the family are planning a trip out of town for the long weekend, read on for our tips on how to keep safe on and off the roads.


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Short-term vs long-term: filling stations are a great place to start, but consider a service before making a long trip. A good mechanic can inspect and assess a lot more than your friendly petrol attendant.

Driver’s checklist: pack ahead of time to reduce stress on departure day, and make sure you have a driver’s license and ID book with you. Carry a small amount of cash in case of emergencies and check that your insurance is up to date. Stock up on CDs, games and eats to keep passengers happy.

For any trip: if you want to ensure the basics are working fine, have your oil, water, tyre pressure and washer fluid topped up.Again, the local filling station is simplest.

  • The right pressure will be listed in the vehicle handbook or on the car itself. Use this direction, as it’s calculated by the manufacturer! Doing so will extend the tyre life, and ensures perfect contact with the road surface. Don’t forget, both low and high pressure are bad news for a tyre.
  • Oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle. If the oil level is low enough, the engine generates enough heat to seize it completely. Topping up oil ensures the internal workings of the car are good.
  • When water runs low, you can kiss proper circulation goodbye. Imagine running a marathon without having a drink – that’s your car without a replenished water tank.
  • Keep the washer fluid topped up, and pesky bug splatters will not trouble you. Ignore it, and a simple smudge could leave you blinded.




Concentrate on the road: if you’ve followed our tips above, there should be plenty to keep the children busy. The last thing you need is a distraction from the passenger’s seat.

Take regular rest stops: fatigue can be fatal. Rather plan in the time for frequent stops on the way, instead of falling asleep behind the wheel. It will keep others in the vehicle feeling fresh too.

Follow the limit: it’s a proven fact, speed kills. Instead of trying to make the trip in half the time, factor in speed limits and paying attention to the rules of the road. Who knows, it could save your life.

Watch out for others: even if you are the perfect driver, someone else using the road could not be. Assess situations clearly – often your instincts can lead you well. Just because driver B isn’t paying attention, doesn’t mean you should be caught off-guard.

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