Your weekly dose of astrology

Scorpio-An opportunity for a job crosses your path

You are thinking fast and the wheels are rolling forward in your life. Others like your ideas and want to help you manifest them. This is a good time to study any material because your thoughts are flowing.
You and your partner(s) can work together to create harmonious solutions to one or more nagging problems.

Circumstances at work or in your daily life are far from easy at this time. Co-workers or employees are unable to help due to their own problems so you are the one who shoulders the load. Rest as much as you can and take your vitamins.This kind of situation can interfere with your personal health.

The Full Moon brings illumination on your closest relationships. Somehow you can “see” the shadow side of these beings.
And this bright light may bring a fuller awareness about your relationship. Depending upon the past, this may be considered good or bad. You will now operate with eyes more open.

You are asking spiritual questions that for the moment, offer no good answers. Table those concerns for now and focus your energy on some kind of project.
Keeping your hands busy and helping others will help you get beyond rough spots in this spiritual dilemma.

This is not the time to display your work or your goals. You may not be feeling your best and that makes it hard to present things in the finest possible light. You need some extra rest during this period. Beware the temptation to step into a grand saviour role now. People will not be impressed by the effort.

You have been concerned with the welfare of family members, particularly those who are older than you are. Your Significant Other may evaporating from the scene. Perhaps the reality is more than he/she can absorb, or he doesn’t know how to support you in this time of need. Ask what the problem is. Don’t assume she doesn’t want to help until you are told.

Your mind has been truly busy in recent weeks. If you have not yet resolved an issue, set it aside while you take a break. Even a short time away can help your mental nerve endings synapse more easily. Clear the cobwebs from old, non-working solutions so that a fresh perspective can emerge.

An opportunity for a job crosses your path. It would be favourable for you to inquire about it. Watch your attitude for signs of self-importance, which will not be well accepted. An earthy humility along with believable assurance that you can accomplish the work may do wonders for your chances.
This is a week of intense feelings, whether up or down. For many, prevention of depressed feelings can be handled by gently bringing ourselves back from a super-high. When we allow the highs, it is inevitable that a fall must happen. None of us can remain up, so a down must balance it. Concentrate on an even keel.
You are in a somber frame of mind this week. Decisions in front of you have long term consequences, so you do not want to make mistakes. Yet the present path does not seem at all clear. Don’t thrash yourself because you do not have the decision finalised already. Be still and leave it with your unconscious to sort out the solution.
This season you may have discovered that somehow your material security has slipped a notch or two without your notice. This will pressure you to pay more attention to your financial matters in order to prevent further erosion. The Waterbearers are very intelligent, but not necessarily practical.
Developments in your career or life direction may cause you to feel ineffective during this season. Don’t allow this one experience to alter your sense of self. That creates paralysis. You are an intuitive person who can repackage what you have learned about the psyche so the world will see you as different, from fresh eyes.

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