
Lions Miss Mayfair 2014

THE Lions Club Miss Mayfair which should have taken place at the beginning of May, and which had to be rescheduled due to the many holidays in April, finally took place on Saturday, May 31, at the Michaelis School Hall. Although there were fewer entrants than last year (again because of the holidays in April …

THE Lions Club Miss Mayfair which should have taken place at the beginning of May, and which had to be rescheduled due to the many holidays in April, finally took place on Saturday, May 31, at the Michaelis School Hall.

Although there were fewer entrants than last year (again because of the holidays in April and because of the many school sports events on Saturday) the occasion went off smoothly and was enjoyed by all present.

The Lions Members would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who helped to make the event a success: Prizes were sponsored by Sign Centre, Matt’s Catering, Wimpy,Romans Pizza, Steers, Deboinairs, Pixilation, Ronel and Theo van Rooyen. The judges (who, as always, had a very hard time making their selections) – Brigette Alsten, Xanelle Fritze and Cara Sandalls. Christel and Lynette Kusel who tallied all the marks.

We were also privileged to be the first audience of a very new band, who travelled from Utrect to entertain us with a couple of numbers. We are sure that one day we will be able to say that we were the first people to hear Breaking Boundaries perform for the public!

Most important of all, we wish to thank all our entrants – you were all lovely and we really appreciate you entering our MissMayfair, and helping us to raise funds for those in need in Vryheid and district, as did those members of the public who attended the event.

As last year’s Miss MayFair said, don’t be discouraged if you did not win this year, follow your dreams – who knows, maybe next year you will be our Miss MayFair 2015.

MissM5 MissM1 MissM2 MissM3 MissM4All pictures by Chantell Els at Pix-A-lation.

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