Harriers fuelled for Comrades Marathon

Club chairman, Andrè Grundlingh wished the local runners an enjoyable marathon.

The Newcastle Harriers Club hosted a ‘pasta night’ on Wednesday night, ahead of the Comrades Marathon on Sunday (August 28).

At the celebratory evening, Harriers who are attempting the ultra-marathon were wished well and ‘carbo-loaded’ for the gruelling 90km run from Pietermaritzburg to Durban.

Chairman of the Newcastle Harriers, Andrè Grundlingh said that he would join the support team providing assistance along the route, and said he would see the locals at the finish line.

Go out and enjoy it – if you did the training, you will reap the rewards,” he advised. “Like a computer, what you put in is what you get out.”

The Newcastle Advertiser wishes all Comrades Marathon competitors well on the long road ahead. If you were among the Comrades Marathon finishers this year, be sure to send your photographs and finishing times to nkznsub@caxton.co.za

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