New ‘kickstart’ for youth development

The inaugural Inhlonipho Youth Development tournament saw 24 soccer teams competing.

Sounds of laughter could be heard from the Vulindlela Sports Field in Osizweni this weekend (July 24 and 25), as a total of 24 soccer teams competed in the Inhlonipho Youth Development tournament. Ages of the players ranged from 11 to 17 years old.

This tournament is planned to take place on an annual basis.

Mduduzi Mncube, Lethiwe Madakane and Musa Mncube, organisers of the project, explained that the youth needed to be guided and educated to ensure their success in future. The organising trio came up with the Inhlonipho concept to motivate youngsters by having fun while learning.

The aim of this project is to develop the youth, and educate them on the consequences of teenage pregnancies and premature school drop-out,” said Mncube.

For the full report, see the upcoming edition of the Newcastle Advertiser.

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