Getting to the top of the log

Graham Elworthy and his team fared well in the Estcourt Tournament last Sunday; and Rodney Perrin, Veronica Malan and Neal Singh were the winners in the Saturday Nomads

The Sarel’s Workshop Business League is going great guns, with the final game before the split taking place yesterday evening (Wednesday). If you want to get to the top of the log, you had better focus on your game! Our thanks to Sarel for this fantastic sponsorship which is providing so much fun for all the bowlers.

Graham Elworthy and his team fared well in the Estcourt Tournament last Sunday; and Rodney Perrin, Veronica Malan and Neal Singh were the winners in the Saturday Nomads.

This week is also going to be a busy time with the AGM taking place today (Thursday) at 6pm. Please attend, as there are changes to the Club Constitution to consider.

There will be 2-4-2 on Friday evening, with a farewell for John Peach to follow, and Saturday will be tabs-in as usual. The Midlands calendar was finalised on Saturday and next year is pretty full of tournaments, so we will have a busy year ahead.

Please note that the Midlands Fundraiser has been postponed to Sunday, March 2 next year, and here all the bowlers are asked to put their support into this very important event.

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