‘Unguarded’ ATMs cause bank card theft

A lot of people have been robbed of bank cards and money

Editor –
I want to take this opportunity to warn everybody that it is not safe to go to the ATMs in Vryheid. Some ATMs are open, unsecure and anybody next to you can see your keyboard and screen. It is unbelievable that these ATMs do not have a security guard! I know this, as I was robbed of my bank card and a while later, a lot of money was stolen out of my account. Luckily, my card was stopped before the person could use it to buy anything. I know what the robber looks like, as he was watching and following me after I tried to use the ATM at Pick n Pay. This ATM was out of service after load-shedding and I had to go to another ATM. I was told that I’m not the first one to be robbed at this ATM. A lot of people have been robbed of bank cards and money. Please be warned! This happens all the time and I have learnt a costly lesson not to withdraw money alone, and not at a branch with open ATMs.

Concerned Consumer

ALSO READ: Newcastle SAPS investigates ATM fraud

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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