ESTCOURT: A letter to God, asking for sanity

God, I have no option but to ask You to guide our people to be humans again

Dear God – 

I normally pray for good health, peace, love and tolerance for myself, my family and my beloved country. But today, I pray for divine intervention to help keep my sanity.

Please God…
* Bless the owners of the Estradini Lifestyle Centre with sound judgement to understand we are sick and old, and that we should not be subjected to blaring music from the centre until late at night.

* Guide the residents of Estcourt that the illegal dumping of household rubbish is ugly. Forderville is the worst of the areas.

* Encourage the refuse collectors of Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality to perform their core functions with pride. * Repair the potholes. Our roads are worse than an off-road track. Our lives and vehicles are at risk as soon as we leave home.

* Bring to book all those people who stole and are stealing millions from all government structures, including our local municipality. * Teach the young girls that the child support grant should not be a reason to get pregnant. The child support grant queues are longer than those for old age pensioners.

* Protect our world by repairing all the overflowing sewers. All the human waste is getting into our rivers and eventually into our bodies.

* HELP our mayor to sleep properly, as she and the municipal manager are responsible for the chaos in Umtshezi. * Please provide us value for money for our rates. We work hard for our money. It is a crime to live the high life without work.

* Destroy Covid-19 and let us live our normal lives… but thanks for the lesson we are being taught… that You are in control of our destiny. God, I have no option but to ask You to guide our people to be humans again.

I am waiting for a reply from God.

God Befriended Me  

NOW READ: I’ve learned …  

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