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If the Royals were Indian, would their story be different?

Would Harrilal have received the same treatment as Prince Harry?

It’s a new year and so far it’s been a news year.

There have been plenty of stories making headlines, but the strangest one receiving coverage recently has been Harry and Meghan’s decision to go it on their own. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have relinquished their roles as senior Royals and plan to become financially independent.

This has naturally caused a stir, as many view it as being scandalous and a slap in the face of the Queen. While the Queen hasn’t publicly voiced her opinion on the situation, it’s safe to say she’s been hurt by the situation. Many won’t be able to relate to that hurt, but an Indian mother could.

However, if Harry and Meghan were Indian, this probably wouldn’t have happened the way it did.

Saras wouldn’t take it so lightly if her son (or grandson in this case), Harrilal decided he was moving out of the house with his new wife and wanted to give up most of his responsibilities. Meghan would have had to fulfil the role of a good daughter in-law and move into the family home. She would be expected to cook, clean and be a respectful and dutiful daughter-in-law.

Harrilal, no matter how old he got, would have got shoe hiding if he even dared mention he wanted to do his own thing far away from home, with the occasional visit just to see how things were going. Even if Harrilal managed to move from home and start a new life with his wife, he would still be duty bound as a son of the house to send money home and make sure his parents were taken care of.

If Harry and Meghan were Indian, they probably wouldn’t have been married. It would have broken Saras’ heart to know that her son was marrying a divorced woman. Saras would have been too ashamed to show her face in public, knowing all the neighbours would have been talking about her family.

But alas, Harry and Meghan are not Indian, and are now embarking on a new chapter of their lives. Despite the scandal that has been caused, there is one puzzling question. Who would give up their Royal rights to go live in Canada of all places?

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