‘IFP is home to all South Africans’

"The IFP is the home of all... the home of diversity, and the paragon of National Unity and Social Cohesion."

Sir – As we mark the start of a new year and a new decade we must be mindful that we are not a new South Africa; we are still faced with escalating unemployment, debilitating corruption, pandemic inequality and socio-economic injustices.

In the face of the newness of the year and decade ahead, South Africa needs new leadership and new solutions. The IFP has both.

Fellow South Africans, we ended 2019 faced with serious challenges as a country with SAA placed under business rescue, Eskom gripped by problems which plunged us into load shedding and an economy that continues to shrink. The sad reality of gender-based violence has fast entrenched itself as permanent feature of our daily lived experience. Women and children are under siege. This must change in 2020.

In 2019 I assumed with honour and humility the reigns to lead the IFP, and building on the Legacy of our President Emeritus, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, I recommitted the IFP to servant leadership. We exist to serve the People. Our conscience will be your needs.

In 2020 the IFP will mark 45 years of its existence and service to the people of South Africa. This milestone is indicative of our fortitude and resilience against all odds. The NEC will announce details about our celebrations in this regard. This is a big year for the IFP and South Africa.

It is our historic mission from inception 45 years ago to pursue the liberation of the oppressed, dispossessed and vulnerable in our country. In 2020 we recommit ourselves as the IFP to ensure that political freedom translates into social and economic justice to take forward the collective dreams, hopes and aspirations of those we serve; the South African people.

The IFP is the home of all; the Xhosas, the Pedis, the Vendas, the Zulus, the Afrikaners, the Ndebeles, the Tswanas and the Sothos. The IFP is the home of diversity, and the paragon of National Unity and Social Cohesion.

The IFP is gearing itself for the 2021 Local Government Elections and in the 2020 we will present to South Africans our manifesto on the best ways possible to improve good governance, ensure heightened service delivery and build a South Africa that works for all South Africans.

I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Velenkosini “VF” Hlabisa, MPL: IFP President

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