
‘NHI is unconstitutional and outright tyrannical’

"Many tertiary hospitals are so mismanaged that they cannot even run critical departments..."

Sir – The ZACP, Capitalist Party of SA, takes note of Health Minister Zweli Mkhize’s comments regarding the NHI [National Health Insurance] where he states that people wouldn’t be allowed to choose whether or not they want to see a specialist, even if they can afford it.

Minister Mkhize decides where, when and how they are allowed to work, as well as whom they are allowed to treat. This is clearly unconstitutional and outright tyrannical. It goes against the very fibre of doctor-patient relationships and confidentiality, and places the responsibility of deciding who deserves critical healthcare in the hands of people least qualified to make such a decision: bureaucratic government administrators.

The ANC government is guilty of chronic and criminal mismanagement of the public healthcare sector, causing the collapse of healthcare in rural areas, where it is all but non-existent. Many tertiary hospitals are so mismanaged that they cannot even run critical departments, and are forced to operate them at severely reduced capacities or shut them down entirely. The government now seeks to extend this mismanagement into the private sector.

The end result of the NHI will be to destroy healthcare, both public and private, in South Africa. It will exacerbate and accelerate the departure of skilled doctors, nurses, and other professionals from our country – critical skills we can ill afford to lose, and will not be able to replace.

The NHI is an atrocious policy disguised by a paper-thin veneer of social justice and public good in order to deceive the citizens.
For the sake of all South Africans, we cannot allow this monstrosity to pass.

Gideon Joubert – ZACP

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