
Khoi-San leader thanks Nestle for job creation

The best part of the day was when the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Bheki Cele made a loud statement that classified coloured people are not hired and are not in the work place

Our top artisans made this factory what it is today. The finest artisans from the Khoi-San coloured classified people built up this factory.

Thank you to the Swiss company that took Nestle to where it is today. The 100-years celebration allowed me to be part of the celebration.

The best part of the day was when the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Bheki Cele made a loud statement that classified coloured people are not hired and are not in the work place. The company has 12 classified coloured people.

The Labour Act is geographically over 20 years old and it has impacted our people strongly in this town. Bursaries don’t reach our children. In the Colita area alone, you are looking at about 700 classified coloured working-class people. Yes, there are also some outside the area.

Why would an African National Congress (ANC) minister make such a statement? It means that an ANC minister has seen this injustice done to classified coloured people. They are denied their right to employment, right to work and live.

You can talk of Human Rights Day, Freedom Day and nation building but can we agree that the classified coloured people are not in your workplace? Look around, these are the descendants of the first people of this country.

We are Africans and carry our mother’s DNA. We need a turnaround approach. Include us in your affirmative action, include us in your black empowerment and then God will hear and heal this land.

Raymond Trollip
Khoi-San Chief

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