
Fifty shades of speed bumps drive us to distraction

I wish someone could investigate and find out if the election of these speed bumps are legal.

With reference to your Helpmekaar road article: I use the Helpmekaar road on a daily basis and the 50 speed bumps on a 3km stretch of road is no joke!
I wish someone could investigate and find out if the election of these speed bumps are legal.

Even through Tugela Ferry there are no such speed bumps so I don’t know why they should be at Stratford.

I try and go slowly over the speed bumps to avoid damage to my car as I’m sure these speed bumps are causing greater wear and tear on my vehicles shocks, tyres, brakes etc.
Also other people in SUVs and bigger pick-ups, like double cabs, think the faster you go over the speed bumps the better, because when you are going slow they fly past you on blind rises causing greater safety risks.
This stretch of road is terrible to travel on now.
It seems to even have its own set of road rules.

I have heard rumors that it is illegal to put speed bumps on a road if there is no school in the vicinity. Could you guys as the Courier look into the matter?
If you could it would be greatly appreciated.
I just feel I pay my vehicle license every year surely that should give me some rights to the use of decent roads, even if the speed bumps have to be there can’t they be more rounded so that the impact on one’s vehicle is not so hard and damaging to one’s shocks and tyres.
Road User

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