
The truth is…

Ms S Stander writes:- IN CONNECTION with “What’s compassion’s price?” from “Bystander” [Vryheid Herald, February 28]: This is my side of the story, because there is always two sides to a story, especially when it comes from a BYSTANDER who is standing and looking to see what to gossip about. I am the shop assistant …

Ms S Stander writes:-

IN CONNECTION with “What’s compassion’s price?” from “Bystander” [Vryheid Herald, February 28]: This is my side of the story, because there is always two sides to a story, especially when it comes from a BYSTANDER who is standing and looking to see what to gossip about. I am the shop assistant that is mentioned here. I’m not scared to mention my name. I am working for a boss and have to explain all stock that has been removed from the shop. Now, the first thing I would like to bring to your attention is that I phoned LinkUp and asked who I could phone to help the poor old man, then a customer said they would phone someone they know in the police. When the policeman came, a young man that was with the policeman came and asked for a tin of Doom, and we gave one to him. Then, when I saw the policeman spraying the poor old man in the face with the Doom, and kicking him by the feet, THAT’S when I went to the policeman and asked him why he was spraying the poor old man so much in his face, and who is going to pay for the Doom, because it is not my shop just to give things away. After things had been handled for the poor old man, the policeman came to pay for the Doom. I told him that I would pay for it, but he said that I must take the money, thanks for that. Now, BYSTANDER, let’s get a few facts straight. You were not walking along Mark Street and saw the K9 police vehicle stopping. It was NOT passing by BUT was called for. It was not a bystander but YOU that got the Doom, but the young man that came with the policeman. If you were so near to see the numerous bee sting marks on the crippled old man, how come you weren’t stung but the passersby were. You were so near, why didn’t you help the old man? What you heard the lady say was only what you want to hear for your own satisfaction, and it was not complaining. And I must say that the passing motorist must be a super hero to hear a conversation on the street while driving past. The WE the community is YOU, so please don’t speak on behalf of the community. Furthermore, did you come and feed this poor old crippled man once, as we did, and our customers did, over the years that he has been begging by the shop? Every day we gave him food and drinks to survive. No, because you’re a BYSTANDER, so please, BYSTANDER, next time do something and don’t criticise someone before you get all your facts right.

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