
Your vote is your voice, use it wisely

Each and every day 1976 happens again and again in our so-called democracy



I’m very disappointed about the decision taken by the Demarcation Board for 2016. Imbabazane and Umtshezi will be forming one municipality. What about the workers who will lose their jobs? Yes, Imbabazane is not functioning but workers must get their money like others. Who is taking care of the people in this country? No one.

What about the residents who did not agree at the meeting held at the town hall this year? Where are our vote and our voice?

What about e-tolls? The community was not consulted before it was built. Now it is going to be in place whether you like it or not. Car owners will now have to pay e-tolls and at the very same time, petrol is going up and food. Many workers are under labour brokers and they get a minimal wage.

Look at the voting station, only teachers work there. What about the youth that is not working? They are not given a chance but they must vote at the end. For who and for what? To get a T-shirt from a political party? This is not working; we are not getting a better education.

Teachers and learners are not safe at schools, why is there no security at schools? How many companies have been closed in South Africa? Taxpayers’ money is used to pay for government cars, hotels, spouse’s expenses and houses. Old people and children are raped day and night.

Nothing has been done to protect them but they have to vote for their grant not to be cut off. Each and every day 1976 happens again and again in our so-called democracy. People are protesting each day because they want water, houses, roads, electricity and better jobs. But they are killed by police during their marches. Foreigners are not voting but they are using our free services like hospitals, roads, given our food, work and water and they are living in RDP houses.

Why must we vote? They have all these things without a vote. What is the purpose for us to vote? South Africans are used as a ladder or carpet.


Local Resident


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Sihle Ntenjwa

Journalist at Estcourt News

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