
Moth news

The Moths will be hosting a fête sometime between now and December

All arrangements for the hiring of the hall can be done through Hester Botha, or you can contact the club on 036-637-3762.
No illness or hospitalisation of any of our members has been reported. If you know of any of our members who are not well, please inform me or any fellow members.
Moth news:
Siegetown Shellhole wishes to congratulate the three Moths and one Mothwa – namely Trevor Kirsten, Bob Corringham, Colin Wheeler and Barbara Douglas – who took part in the Moth National Bowls Tournament this week. They made it to the semi-finals, where they were unfortunately beaten.
The Moths will be hosting a fête sometime between now and December. Please watch the press for details.
Siegetown’s annual El Alamein Parade, Dinner & Dance will be held on October 26. Please diarise this date. Tickets are R90 a person for under 60s and R70 for pensioners over 60 years of age. You can pay for your tickets at the Moth Club. Book now to avoid any disappointment!
Siegetown will be hosting a Melodrama early next year (watch the press for the date). If any of our members and friends would like to participate or have any ideas, please contact Trevor Kirsten on 082-800-2748.
Club news:
Once again, the weekly draw was a roll-over – just remember, you need to be here to win! We urge all our members to support the club on Friday nights.
Well done to the Springboks for a fantastic win on Saturday! We are behind you 100% for your match against the All Blacks on Saturday. Also well done to all the national rugby teams that won their respective games. Remember, you can catch all the rugby action live on the big screen at the club!
Dates to remember:
Pensioners’ lunch – October 25.
Moths: October 9 – DN Krugel; October 10 – M Muir; October 20 – JN Peach; October 26 – U Lutze; October 28 – RF van Deventer.
Club: October 4 – M Hamilton; October 8 – CV Kriel.
We end this week with the following: “One of the most important keys to success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don’t feel like doing it” – Unknown

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