
ROY RAMDAW AND ASSOCIATES INC. SINCE 1983 – NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES In the Estate of the Late MBHEKENI DANIEL DLODLO, Identity Number: 6612175323084, last address: 27 MAGNOLIA, ARBOR PARK, Newcastle. Who was married in community of property to SBONGILE PRECIOUS DLADLA, Identity Number: 7105140566084. Who died on: 09 April 2024. ESTATE NUMBER: 4000/2024 PMB All persons having claims against the above estate and all persons owing money to the above estate are hereby requested to lodge their claims with the Executrix and Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg within 30 days from date of publication herein. SBONGILE PRECIOUS DLADLA, Executor, C/O ROY RAMDAW AND ASSOCIATES INC Attorneys for the Executor 33 Bird Street NEWCASTLE, 2940 Tel.: 034 312 7592 E-MAIL:

Reference Number: CM005421

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