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Five ways to get along with difficult family over the festive season

Avoid family drama with our five tips on how to get a long with those difficult family members over Christmas.

Here are five ways to get along with difficult family over the festive season:

It’s the season to be merry, joyous, and full of love when family and friends gather to rejoice and enjoy the holiday season.

However, there is always that one family member that makes family gatherings miserable, resulting in conflict.

Avoid family conflict this holiday season by following our five recommendations for getting along with troublesome family members:

  1. Don’t expect much

You already know that family member will cause tension, so don’t expect anything different this time.

As a result, you will not be disappointed when the drama begins.

  1. Avoid contact if possible

If possible, try to avoid that person all together. Avoiding contact is avoiding the conflict.

  1. Stay away the alcohol if possible

Everyone is aware that drinking may exacerbate any uncomfortable scenario. So, if at all possible, avoid drinking alcohol, especially if you expect drama.

  1. Don’t take it personally

Some people live on drama and creating strife. Try not to take their snide remarks and cheap insults personally. You’ll be less tempted to entertain the drama this way.

  1. Address the issue

Perhaps it’s time to confront the troublemakers and express your displeasure with the way they conduct themselves. This could result in you enjoying a wonderful Christmas experience for once.

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